Our new book out October 2024!

I never forgot the empathy and compassion my boss showed me by allowing me to move countries to be with my dying father over his last six months.
— Shayne Elliott, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, ANZ Group, Australia
Believe in your cause, listen to your people and gain their trust
— Denis Hogg AM. Australia, 21 years as Chief Executive Epworth Healthcare
The soft stuff is the hard stuff. When people get derailed, usually it’s not because they got their numbers wrong, but because they did not manage their relationships well.
— Doug Conant, Conant Leadership, USA / former CEO of Campbell Soup Company

What makes leaders great?

Quantitative and qualitative research indicate they consistently practise a Gentle Art of Leadership

●  Firsthand analyses of more than six thousand 360 degree feedback reports

●  Over 50 one-on-one interviews with Leaders

●  Reflections on hundreds of Executive Coaching sessions

●  Review of over 160 books and articles on leadership

●  Our own experiences as CEOs

A compelling guide and handbook for anyone in a leadership role.

This Gentle Art of Leadership cuts against the grain of the often-held view that great leaders, CEOs, and team coaches are charismatic, extroverted, forceful characters with powerful egos; and that we need such big personalities to transform our companies, organisations, sporting teams and nations.

Sometimes this view proves to be true, and we remember such characters. But more often, the greatest leaders who leave the greatest legacies, have a powerful mixture of personal humility, integrity and indomitable will for forwarding the health, success and long-term prosperity of their organisation and people. They seem to get the best out of others by genuinely treating them with dignity and respect, whilst focused on strategic outcomes.

Co authors

Brian Donovan is the founder of Donovan Leadership. He is an executive coach, facilitator, speaker, and dedicated advocate of powerful and practical leadership. He is energised by an ongoing program of research and scholarship. His first book: “Leadership is Changing the Game” was published in 2018. Brian’s commitment to the field is informed by 40 years’ experience as a senior executive in Telstra, and CEO of the IT Skills Hub.

Professor Tony Arnel Faculty of Science, Engineering & Built Environment, Deakin University

The Gentle Art of Leadership is not just another leadership book – it’s a refreshing confirmation of the value of treating people with kindness and respect. It’s not just a nice thing to do; it’s the secret sauce for achieving the best results. Brian and Dean have weaved together a powerful combination of research and real-life stories to show that leadership is not about barking orders; it’s about fostering an environment where everyone can be at their best. I wish this material was taught in undergraduate programs to set people up for success in their careers. This book is a must-read for leaders who want to achieve big results.

Diana Kelley Chief Information Security Officer, Protect AI, Inc.

There's an old saying - "people don't leave companies, they leave managers" - that cuts to the heart of successful leaders: i.e. people that other people want to work with and for. There are tons of books that frame leadership in war-like, kill or be killed terms. But true leaders, the ones people want to work for and with, know how to succeed without destroying team morale. This book challenges the tired assumptions that to have a positive impact, leaders need to drive their teams to the brink. And to back this assertion up, Donovan and Phelan have gathered a rich collection of real-world case studies and interviews that prove, supported, well-managed teams are best prepared to achieve long-term success.


Debbie Taylor Moore Vice President & Partner, IBM Consulting Cybersecurity Services

 Authors Donovan and Phelan get it right in "The Gentle Art of Leadership".  Great leadership is all about organizational culture, and the "tone at the top". As a leader YOU are the culture. Humans want to be led by humans who have empathy and acknowledge and support their special contributions.

Trent Dean For-Purpose CEO / Non-Executive Director

This book is a must-read for anyone aspiring to be a transformative leader in any sphere of influence. The Gentle Art of Leadership stands out as a beacon of wisdom, offering a refreshing perspective on what it means to lead with authenticity, humility, and an unwavering commitment to a higher purpose.

Adam Bennett Principal, Great Change Consulting, and Adjunct Professor (Industry) University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

The Gentle Art of Leadership is a book for our times that highlights two complementary aspects of leadership by balancing the “and”. Through research, interviews, and empirical evidence it shows that the most effective leaders can build positive and constructive relationships with their people, AND still inspire strong performance and delivery of results. It’s a book that shares timeless wisdom for leaders at all stages of their careers, and reminds us all of that the biggest rewards will come from working towards something purposeful and bigger than ourselves.

Fi Slaven Director Operations/Chief Operating Officer, William Buck, Australia

The Gentle Art of Leadership is a great read, because Brian and Dean have combined the perfect mix of research, evidence and real stories, so you enjoy the learning.  

Dean Phelan is an organisational psychologist, leadership mentor and co-founder of the Uplift Centre. Dean was CEO of CofC, one of Australia’s largest not for profits providing aged care, social housing, childcare, and support for local churches. Dean held leadership roles within Westpac and Epworth Healthcare, and he built and led a national HR services firm. He is co-author of “Kingdom Communities” published in 2018.

David Swain CEO Endeavour Foundation

Switching on the airwaves we are bombarded with sounds and images of loud and forceful people (more often than not, men) with a crash-through approach, and who step on others on their way to what they see as the top. Sign me up to the gentle art of a more effective and sustainable approach to leadership every day of the week. And Dean and Brian are well placed to convey this art. Not only have they thoroughly researched the topic, but they also have each practiced this art for many years … with good effect.  

Rob Goudswaard Chair and Non-Executive Director

A must read for leaders in highly variable environments. It is compelling when findings have an empirical basis for their conclusions, which Brian and Dean have used to support their insights. People want to work for leaders they trust which is built over time by being respected and valued. This is not at the exclusion of outcomes and the constructive anxiety is managing that balance between the two.

 John Cox Chief Technology Officer, Coles

This a book full of wonderful vignettes. As I read through it, I loved experiencing the small and momentous situations that lead to insight for those interviewed, and the authors’ overlays of theory for the reader to further explore new perspectives, and opportunities for reflections. It is the kind of book you can dip in and out of looking for inspiration or read from top to tail.

The Gentle Art of Leadership